Welcome to Sister Scents

Excuse me, but what scent are you wearing? This is a common question our customers frequently hear. Why you ask. Because we have the best scents around. Our many varieties of luscious scents are just waiting to excite your senses. We are a lower cost high quality alternative to those high retail prices you pay for your favorite designer fragrances. Our oils have no fillers, chemicals or alcohol.

So what are you waiting for? Look around and join the excitement of Sister Scents today.

Let Us Talk About Scents

Looking For Sample Scents?

 Interested in smelling a scent in our wonderful inventory. You are in luck, because we offer 2 sample fragrances per order to help you find your next amazing scent.

I love Sister Scents as I am  provided with an array of fragrances that complement my frame of mind. Stephanie is accommodating and customer-facing. Pricing is reasonable, and the oils are long lasting. Sister Scents is my choice of oil fragrances hands down.


I had the honor to meet the founder of Sister Scents. Her spirit of excellence is evident in her professionalism and the quality of each scent. I have been a client for over 2years and have been extremely satisfied with the service, and the quality of every fragrance I have received from my “Fragrance Expert”. Apply a small amount and the fragrance lasts all day. Once I tried oils by Sister Scents, I have not purchased perfume in over 2 years. Try it, you will never go back.


I have used several oil fragrances and can say without a doubt that they are the best I have ever used before. The fragrances are long lasting, uniquely packaged and reasonably priced. This is from a very satisfied customer.


Luv, luv, luv Sister Scents. The oils are amazing and last all day!

Stephanie H.

My husband and I have been ordering oils from Sister Scents for many years now. It started with me who could no longer handle the strong scents of alcohol layered perfumes in the store. I found they really irritated my skin and also illuminated my migraines. Sometimes they messed with my balance because of the scent being so strong causing nausea . My husband also had to change because of my migraines. He used all sprays and oils, but quickly loved how the oils soaked in his skin after a shower creating a smooth layer of moisture that didn't affect his sinuses. My husband orders over two dozen different oils a year, and he smells delightful. I order a few with creams as I love to layer up. I'm forever grateful for sister scents.

I will never return to sprays with alcohol base. We have since then encouraged our teenager and he too is in love with the oil base scents. The scents are not overwhelming, and everyone has   a wide variety to choose from. Thank you again.

Pamela W.

I have purchased over 30 different fragrances from Miss Hudson. She also provides fragrances in aftershave too.

I always receive wonderful compliments when passing others when I arrive at work. Sometimes people ask me where can they purchase my fragrance. Now I can tell them.

It’s always exciting to see what she will come up with next.

Stanley T.